December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations

By Natasha Botkin

Have you ever wondered how to dive into the deepest depths placating the abysmal truth of your heart? 21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations is a creative meditative writing journal that can help you on your journey.

21 Days of Writing from the Heart Meditations CoverEach and every writing prompt and illustration has been a personal discover of mine.  The  21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations will take you into a depth, bringing forward what your heart has been trying to say to you.   It is like giving your heart the words and space to speak.

This is available in both Print form and Kindle form.  Click on the title link and this will take you straight to your own personal discovery of tru heart.  I wish you much love on your journey!! 

If you feel that you need a bit more assistance and guidance before, during and after this journey, the Magical Blessings Healing Center is only a click a way.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical BLessings, 




Enriching African Violets

By  Natasha Botkin 

African Violet Single

I love to help you naturally clear away negative energy.

To some, the african violet is known to be a fussy plant, and many are nervous to attempt to grow this in their homes.  This may cause one to miss out on their special magical qualities.

How to care for an African Violet: 

  • This plant requires keeping the soil moist to dry.growing-african-violets-L-Jrwnt_
  • To encourage blooming please allow the soil around the roots to dry out before watering.
  • It is more benefical to water from the bottom with room temperature water; as this helps to avoid getting water on the leaves that can cause spotting damage.
  • The flowering plant requires moderate to bright light, some people will have special lighting units just for their african violet.

This may seem like a bunch of work.  The benefits far outweigh the care of the plant.

African Violet Cleansing Benefits: 

This beautiful plant and flower is a mega powerhouse in the form of cleansing one’s space.

Clearing of Neagtive Energies:

They are able to clear away the old, heavy energies that may weigh one down.  Especially an empath.  In any space this sweet beauty will powerfully eliminate those energies. Thus, having this in your home or office will help reduce the negative vibes that may be around.  No one will even be aware, and believe this to just be a beautiful flowering plant.

They are also incredible at transmuting the lower energies into a higher vibration.

Eliminating the Old: 

The presence of an african violet can help release the old, creating an easier transition.  The african violet says, “Please ask me to help you clear away your old nuiances and allow space for the new to take place.”

Bad Dreams and/or Nightmares: 

If you are one to have nightmares or bad dreams, place this near your bedside.  It will help to erase these from you.  Or a child who may have difficulty with sleeping, place this in their rooms and the fear of things that go bump in the night shall lessen.

Archeangel Qualities: 

Not only are the plants and flowers a great way to clear negative energies, this plant/flower also works with Archeangels.

Arachangel Michael who is known as -he who is like God, has a way to create releasing and clearing.  If you request the help of the african violet along with Archeangel Michael’s sword, this is a powerful combination. He will cut away the negative vibes and energies.  After he clears away the negative energies, ask Archeangel Michael, “Dear Archeangel Michael please place a protective divine white light all around me.”  Breath in 3 counts, hold for 3 counts and breath out for 3 counts, and so it is.  The african violet helps to continue to cleanse the area around one.

Archeangel Raphel is an angel of healing-one who heals God’s souls. Requesting his presence along with the afriacn violet can help the healing of a concerned ailment.  He is associated with the color green, and green sparkles are a sign that he is present.

Metatron is not an archeangel, but a human known in the form of a prophet and for his Merkaba cube.  This can help in the clearing of lower energies, and when utilizing Metatron’s gifts one may see pink and green lights.

Associated Chakras: 

The Third Eye and Crown chakras are associated with the african violet.  This dazzling plant can help get rid of any negative, old, heavy energies that are not allowing one to utilize these chakras.

If you feel that these chakras are blocked, sit near an african violet and ask the flowering or non-flowering beauty to help you remove that which is blocking.


Please be aware that sometimes cats like to nibble on this plant, and this is not good as ingesting the leaves is posinous.


May you enjoy the incredible grace that this flowering plant bestows upon us in a most natural manner. 

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings









Gentle Approach

by Natasha Botkin 

With all of the energies that are happening, please be gentle with yourself.  

The angels and/or Archangels love when one requests assistance to help.  We also have the lunar energies of a full moon and luna would enjoy releasing  that which no longer serves you.  You, see Mercury Retrograde is really bringing up what no longer serves you and releasing is a must.  One may agree and move through in a gentle manner or resist with tension, pain, emotional outbursts and so forth.

Viewing the video gives you some ideas of ways to help you out.

  1.  Please note that angels love to help, but cannot unless you ask for this.
  2. Mercury Retrograde is creating a way for one to look back and reflect on energies, memories that no longer serve one and this must be released. A wonderful way is the lunar energies of a Super Full Moon as it can supercharge this release.
  3. There is also a lunar eclipse at the same time.  WOW!
  4. How beautiful as the Aries energies move in.   A new beginning after releasing the old.  YEAH!!
  5. Be sure to Play!  Playing is a wonderful way of releasing that which no longer serves one.  Even though everyone’s play looks different, enjoy your playing time.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Once in a Blue Moon

by Natasha Botkin 

The full moon on July 31, 2015 will be a blue moon.  blue moon with wolf

What does this mean? 

It doesn’t happen very often. About once every 2.5 years. But when a single month displays two full moons within its span of days, the second full moon is known as the Blue Moon. Such is the case for July 2015 when on July 1st we saw the Full Moon, and on July 31st we will experience the 2nd Full Moon Phase, the Blue Moon.

The phrase doesn’t really signify the color of the moon, but rather it’s rare occurrence. Although the moon can take on a blue hue from atmospheric interference. The ash and soot from a volcanic eruption or wild-fire can distort the atmosphere enough to cause the moon to look blue.

Chakra Color: 

Blue is the color of the fifth chakra.  This is also the chakra that is associated with communication.

What are you expressing?
What kind of signals are you sending?
What’s the motivation behind your communication?

Utilize this blue-moon-moment in time to contemplate your spoken and unspoken thoughts and feelings.  Be mindful of what you think and feel.  The universe will answer you.  Do you wish for Luna’s powerful energies to create an answer that you do not wish to receive.


The moon is associated with feminine, shadows, and silver.

  • Feminine: This is the yin aspect of the feminine;  if you are a female this is time for you as a woman to be in all your glory.
  • Silvery: This is an ancient alchemy partner silver to be at the symbolic play of Clarity, Purification and Transition.  (Ask Luna to clear what needs to be released and watch the energies create a most magical of alchemy of letting go that which no longer serves one).
  • Shadows: This means going deep within.  Luna is the cloaked mistress of mystery.  She will help you to go deep within the crevices of your dark shadow side.  This is not meant to frighten nor harm you, but help one to dive deep into the truth of who you are.


There is divine timing in everything. Divine spirit and luna energies powering up together can create a compelling movement forward and allow your soul to sparkle with delight.  This is a time to go deep within, seek out those deep emotional truths and release them to those who will sweep them away.  Thus creating a shiny, sparkly new you.

Moon Ritual Altar:

  • Cleanse: This helps to purify yourself for the releasing of what needs to go.  Water is also associated with emotions; these will be deep emotions with the full moon. This could mean a nice hot bath alone or with a special loved one or sitting near water. Or you can have a beautiful crystal bowl and fill this with water, crystals and a few flowers of your choosing.
  • Dressing: Comfortable, light free-flowing clothing is idea.  Whether you are forgoing this alone or as a couple dress as you would like.  Now, if you wish to abstain from clothing, then be prepared for possible legal occurrences
  • Objects: Candle  You can use any color, as you choose; a white candle represent the purity of the divine spirit.

                        Poster- A nice howling wolf can help emote the lunar energies.  Wolves have a symbolically magical way about them.

If you wish to go more in-depth of the full moon ritual you may prepare a meal.

  • Food: For a formal ritual, you’ll need a goblet/chalice, a pitcher of wine or fruit juice, a plate or bowl with fruit, meat or cheese and crackers. Or some form of food/dessert that reflects the season when the Blue Moon occurs. I also recommend a nice piece of meditation music. Don’t forget your grimoire (a book of shadows) to record your evenings thoughts and experiences.


  •  This could be a grounding meditation or requesting Luna/Divine Spirit to join you as you begin, (Dear Luna and Divine Spirit may you please join me on my sacred journey for this full moon). Ancient ways have a sword being placed across a circle.
  • Set Intentions: This is a full moon, so what do you wish to have cleared and released out of your life?  This is an ideal time for releasing old patterns, beliefs, addictions and such.
  • You can also ask for more clear communication.


  • If you know a high priestess or shaman you can request them to conduct the ceremony. They can go deeper; if you know a multidimensional high priestess, lucky you!! .  It is nice if you do know a high priestess or shaman.  They can help conduct the energies between the spiritual and the physical.  If not, then you can guide yourself with these suggestions. It is all set on intentions.  There is no perfect way. No worries, if you do not have access.  You can make statements as your intention.  Allow this to freely flow from your heart.
  • If this ritual is between you and your partner; who is representing the feminine and who is representing the masculine.  As not all partnerships are male and female; so if you have a male-male, female-female partnership, it is best to seek who will represent each.
  • Suggestion: The physical are the items that you will bring.  If you need a spiritual mantra here is one:A Full Moon Release Ritual

    What you need: pen, paper, matches, candle, two small bowls, water

    If possible do this outside under the Full Moon, connecting directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies.

    If you cannot be outside, find a quiet place indoors.

    1. Clear your energy. Imagine standing under a silver waterfall and allow all negative and non-serving energies to be washed away.
    2. Create a sacred space. Find a quiet place to sit, declutter and clean, place crystals or other special items around you.
    3. Light the candle, fill one small bowl with water – place both in front of you, along with the other empty bowl.
    4. Take a few deep breaths, centre yourself and then begin to write on the piece of paper what you wish to release from your life, what limiting beliefs you want to be free from, what no longer serves you or what you want to let go of.
    5. When you have finished your list, sign and date the page.
    6. Breathe deep into your heart and declare “I now let this go. And it is so.” Then place one corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page (throw the page into the empty bowl as it burns) watching the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke taking your intention to the Universe. Please note: if your piece of paper struggles to light or burn, please consider if you are really ready to let this go! Only when you are willing to let go will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more willing you are to let it go.
    7. Then place your hands in the bowl of water. Signifying cleansing of the old and opening to the new.
    8. Remove your hands from the water and take a deep breath. Sit in silence for a moment. You may want to keep your candle burning for a while as you sit,allowing inspiration to spark.

    This is only a suggestion of a ritual. Use your intuition to guide you.


  • Closing is saying what comes to mind.  This could be a prayer, a song, what comes to your heart.

May you enjoy your beautiful full moon journey.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Unforeseen Forces

by Natasha Botkin 

How many times, have you written a positive affirmation, meditated, tried, cried, pleaded, begged only to seem to return to something that just did not make sense.  It may not be what you think, an unforeseen force, that needs to be released.  I smile, as I hear some who read this, oh I will do this myself, I’ll turn to…just know that you are not alone and do not have to do this alone.

I will begin the blog post, with a grateful thank you to my paternal grandmother.  In life, we had tiffs and riffs, in death, she has been a huge advocate.   Her latest moment of love was a serious unforeseen force that needed to be released.  This does not belong to me.  It belongs to others and their discord unwelcome.

Often times, one may feel as why does this keep happening.  I am trying so hard to do it right.

You see, I am a powerful manifestor in a way of magical alchemy.  One day I thought I’d love that, hmm how can this be achieved and poof here it was.  Yet, as soon as it is here, this seems to leave.  What am I discussing: money.  I am always divinely provided for and have had many opportunities to move in a different direction.  I had much more and lost it all.  Having to reinvent myself.  Rocking the foundation and to begin to build anew.  Unfortunately, it has always felt like a weight on my shoulders.  Even when I had a comfortable bank account, there was something, almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that it will go, so I would hold on tight to my bag.   Me shaking my head, why, what is happening.

I hear the energies of ancients, of my grandparents arguing.  The vision comes forth, I sit and watch this screen, as if I am watching a movie.  My paternal grandmother, kindly nudging everyone, “This was our pain to bear, not hers.  Let her go, she has much to do.”

I saw me, all the money that wants to come to me, and then me dragging the bag, what I will call the family’s financial woe is me bag. Oh my goodness there is a hole in my bag, the bills wafting in the wind and then a wall or rather a block, I am trying to peer over the wall to see.  Youhoo, can anyone hear me, please help me, I do not know what to do.  Why does this keep repeating….

Images of those who came before me, the financial worries of loss, hide it, so no one will know what we have, don’t let go, we cannot go hungry again, the list goes on and on.  What I am seeing is the financial money block that I did not “see.”  No matter how many affirmations, this would not relent, no matter the mindset, the unforeseen forces held tight.

My paternal grandmother pleading, “Let her go, this is our pain, our worries, our fears; she does not need this, let her be set free from our madness.” 

The vision so strong, it moving in a different manner.  Me clearing, releasing that which is not mine.  Me smiling, feeling lighter, picking up a bag, where shall I take this all of my monies.  I see a door opening for me.  With the family ties releasing, it is now up to me to do what’s best for me.  I can see the shining glimmer of hope, “the future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.”

This was a family financial woes and feelings of money.  A financial block that kept me from truly achieving everything I’ve dreamt.  As my dear grandmother stated, this does not belong to me.  I am not them, they are not me.  One does not need to be saddled with the ideas that are not theirs.  Go forth and be the best, truest, you that, you can be!! 

I can help you, follow the link below; if you contact me under the services page, I will take 30% off your Reading.  This offer will be good from July 7, 2015- July 17, 2015.  

What’s the worst that can happen a small investment for a lifetime of financial happiness.


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Dance of the Soul

By Natasha Botkin 

Colorful music notes

Something that I enjoy is popping my ear buds in my ears, select my tunes and dance away.  Or turn up the tunes as I drive along, still dancing away.  Yep, I get those looks, ah but who cares.  Music has always been an important part of my soul.  If I did not have music, this esoteric body would be quite unhappy.

My children know to watch out when they see me dancing through the house.  A favorite spot is the kitchen, dancing away while preparing a meal, cleaning up or washing dishes.   In my house, it is not me who says “Turn that music down,” but rather usually my youngest.  Mr. Serious, “Why did I get the mom who sings all the time, dances and I have to ask her to turn down her music?”  Yes, he is a hypocritical comedian.  Because he can be just as loud, if not louder.

Dancing is a way for a happy soul to pour forth love and exuding joy. Dancing helps to remove negative vibes, energies and such that you may have encompassed along your path.

Do you have to be the best, most eloquent dancer?  No way!  Just turn on your genre of music and allow the soul to flow old-lady-wheel-chair-ballerinathrough the vibes.  There is no right or wrong way.  Now that does not mean, those who are professional trained should be disregarded.  Because, I do have dance training from years ago.  Instead this is for a non-trained dancer afraid of what they may look like.  The old adage, “dance as if no one is watching,” is truth. Enjoy yourself!  Your soul will thank you!

Recently, a song has played over and over on my playlist.  Me enjoying the tunes.  Then one day out of no where, up pops a beautiful dancer in this YouTube video.  May you enjoy this treat.

Much love and light!

Magical Blessings, Natasha

The Power of ‘Just Be’

pansyThe power of ‘Just Be’ is not an easy one to follow for many.  It is not because you do not wish for the change.  Many often feel that they are creating, making the changes.  I sat watching another recently struggling, wanting to change; yet, the old patterns and beliefs tug and pull to the disbelieving state of mind.

That is just it.  It is a state of mind.  If it is in the mind, then ego brings forth its lies.  You see the ego lies and lies big time.  Even I have to sit back and seek peace, solace, my truth.  In today’s busy world this is not always easy; nor is it easy when others around one may not understand.

I am a sacred heart high priestess, this does not mean turn on a dime.  Often times, it is heralding the ancient, divine wisdom and needing to sit with my sacred heart.  Yet, there are people who do not understand this at all.  Placing me on the spot may not bring forth what you had wished.  I do need to be in the ‘Just Be’ state and may not even presently be in the third dimension.  Often times I will leave a hologram and slip into other dimensions.  Happily gliding amongst where I am truly needed in that moment.

Do not be afraid to speak up and say, hey give me a minute.  I will admit, I was unsure how to say this.  I mean, come on, how do I say to one who disbelieves, sorry I am not present, and am unavailable for an individual whose energies, I really wish to seek solace from, and now you are putting pressure on me to jump to your patterns and beliefs.  Phew!  I have become more adept at politely returning this back on to the individual who is impatient and wants it their way, right now.  You see, I was once one of those people and am so thankful that I am able to live in the ‘Just Be’ moment.

Recently, I sat back and listened to another speak of an experience she had with a psychic and my heart began to scream noooooo. I cannot stress enough, there is not one size fits all.  One can be given suggestions, guidance and wisdom;however, it is the individual who needs to tailor this to their needs.  Here at the Magical Blessings Healing Center; we can help wipe the slate clean, begin anew and help gently guide one in a manner that is for their personal best.  Please reach out for fees and times.

As a sacred heart high priestess, I do not utilize just one forum; I may speak with the angels, Archangel Michael has been with me since birth, or flower therapy or a speaking with animals, crystals, Reiki, etc. and etc. Again, what heralds forth is what one truly needs when they work with me.  My higher self sings forward much of the time and Amel is ever wise with ancient wisdom beginning with just a moment ago and diving back to Atlantis.  What I am saying is, hey do not get caught up in the but, allow your mind to shut down.  I had to tell my ego it was fired many times; even today, I will turn to my precarious mind keeper and say,” okay I need you to….”  One day soon, I need to draw up a sketch, he’s quite a character.

Archeangel Michael, “Dears ring true to you, go inside, listen to your heart, be true to your heart, not ego, disallow, disslove ego.” 

I am sharing my ‘Just Be” meditation here again, use this to bring yourself into the present moment, disallow noise, yep that means shut off that cell phone, because your ego will say, well I’ll just peek, no that does not work.  Be real, that is another I must stress be real, don’t lie to yourself.  Society lies so much, at least give yourself that respect and take that moment.  Even if it is for 10=15 minutes, the old adage that Rome wasn’t built-in a day is true, so it will be true for you as well.  It takes time to readjust old patterns and beliefs.

The links are at the top, but just in case here ya go…

Jump over to my Magical Blessings Healings Center Facebook page (lots of ideas and suggestions that herald forward)

Or to my Twitter account

“Dear Ones, be kind to you, your heart, your soul.  Your heart is the strongest energy that you herald.  Quiet the mind, quiet the ego and allow your heart to sing. One moment, one step and soon you’ll be buzzing.” -Amel 

Much Love and Light!

Magical Blessings, Natasha

Please Be Patient, Under Construction

By Natasha Botkin 

Atlantis Waterfall

I recently saw this post somewhere “Currently under construction, thank you for your patience.” –unknown.  I am unsure as to the where this was posted.  Where it was posted does not matter.  What matters is the effect, maybe I am brave or immensely foolish to share this here, either way, during a truly difficult moment of outside sources plaguing me, I was trying to be the steady ocean; yet, the waves began to pummel again to me.

After hours of this, I reached out to a friend; who texted me don’t have a pity party.  Oh really, hmmm.  First, let’s define pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.  So no pity party in fact, what caused me the duress was the images of my BeLoved (my Twin Flame) and all of our beautiful moments together.  Which lead to why doesn’t he wish to speak to me, the divine response was “fear, fear of you; if he has to accept you as you are, he has to accept his truth.  My dear you can be quite a bit for a weakened one, your powers are immense and ever reaching in ways that most cannot even begin to muster. Be patient dear one.” 

Then I hear, “Should we begin to pop the popcorn.” Oh so not, funny right now dear angels, my sense of humor flushed down the toilet and out to a rocky sea.  It takes me a bit to settle; the outside is pouring into me, others egos are crushing; seriously, check yourself before you wish to be all mighty, cause you’d be surprised at how some enlightened individuals behave.  Which brought me back to my human work as a behavioral specialist, and this helped me settle into my higher self, the blonde parts of my hair changing into the crystalline silver essence of Amel shining forward.  Oh Lord, if Amel is here with the angels, I know what is about to come, the elders of the realm, Mary Magdalene’s image and then Jesuah’s image and christ light expansion.  Fully being bathed in christ light, crystal light and the love that cradles me is beautiful beyond compare.

My ego barks, I just went through a re-birth, please not again. .  I have two choices, I surrender to this factor or I rage an ego battle.  Yep, I am in no way going to behave like my BeLoved; they warned him, he choose not to listen and now has the effects.  That’s the part that one should realize; we all have a destiny, we either go or they will give to us “free will,” and then steer us back on course.  Our course can be simple and graceful or it can be awkward and difficult.  Ultimately that is “free choice.”

My human form surrenders to the fact that I am about to undergo massive construction.  Do I know where this will take me.  No, I do not.  It is befitting that this is occurring at the same time as the new moon. In fact a very powerful new moon.  In truth, the divine love and light that surrounds me also helps propel me even further up the spiral.  It is now, that I am more aware that in order to accept this new growth, the old had to strip away to make room for the expansion of heart, holding space in a most auspicious way.  The being old patterns,old beliefs; they do not belong, they needed to go like a hole in a sock.  The toe pokes out and you think I’ll throw that sock away or darn it; darn it in thought and rip that sock off, cause the new one will be soft, simple, graceful.

Be Kind BattleAll I ask, is please be patient with others.  As we are all under construction.  In my last blog, patience was the divine ideal that shined forward.  Again this heralds true.  “Be patient dear ones, the best is yet to come; a soul knows no time.  A soul is timeless; it is human ego that places a time; disallow and breath, go inside, allow.” 

Much Love and Light

Magical Blessings


Peaceful Ascension

By Natasha Botkin 

Recently as I drove down the road watching commuters battling out for a space in the line of traffic, I sat back and thought why?  Why does one cram themselves into a line that does not go much further than one car length.  This brought me back to a conversation with my spiritual teacher.  Steer the course, do not ver to the left or right.  A song plays over the speakers, the lyrics of a change, a battle, of peace….

Which brought me back to a moment, a moment of an exchange with a wise woman.  A stranger really to me, all of my life, I have people stop and tell me their life stories.  My children often asking why would a stranger tell me that?  I have just accepted that people come to me to tell their stories.  Sometimes, they need a wise voice of innate wisdom to shine forward without judgement, without conviction, a person to listen, to help them release this.  Satinglass spiral

This lady looked at me and said, “Wow an ascended one, I’ve never met one in person before and you look nothing like I would think an ascended one should look like.”  I remember looking at her and wondering, but not saying anything, as I knew she had a story that she would share; and what a beautiful story it was.  It wasn’t the story; it was what she said, this was years ago; “ascended, ascension; isn’t for  the faint of heart and it will take much energy, love and light dear one, be prepared as it will come and you will easily glide up the spiral.” 

At the time, I was preparing for a major divorce and custody battle.  Little did I know that was much easier than ascension.  My spiritual teacher will gently guide me, and yet the human psyche at first wanted the ego to rage, bark and scream.  Almost like a two-year old not being allowed to have a cookie before dinner.  Yet, this is going to happen, go with grace and it will come with ease.  Some has been filled full of ease, and some would be easier to deal with a two-year old having a tantrum.

Come back to peace, love and light.  In steps the next wise woman, I am walking in the store and ran right into her.  She remarks, “Darlin, get your head out of the clouds.”  I look her, smile and say,“Ha clouds, that too easy, try galactic travel or what dimension did I float off to, traversing the mundane of today’s humanistic mess.”  She smiled and replies, “Ascension is not easy, especially in the modern ways.  You do not look like one, so many may not even realize. It’s not the appearance; it’s the light, the love that matters.” 

I am a special education, so I am a pro at what is called “wait time.”  Well, I am a pro with others, “wait time,”  me well in truth, I am not usually a slow learner, and  yet, may need an accelerated IEP to slow my horses, so to speak. (As my spiritual teacher often says, “Dear the Aries in you.”)   I look at her and wait, she smiles a big grin and says, “Dear one, you are doing much better than you give yourself credit for; however patience is necessary. The biggest patience that you need is your own transformation to ascension. you are almost across that bridge to a major level up, be patient.  Years ago, you were told that you do not look like an ascended one, in truth, you’re a more modern version. Your spiritual mentor has recently given you knowledge of the changes that will come.”  Then she smiles and says, “Be Kind, Rewind,” and instance is gone, I look around the aisle and do not see her.

Slowly, I approach the checkout; barely able to speak to anyone, and yet like moths to the light people dance around me.  I pay for my items and sit in my vehicle.  No thoughts, nothing, just sit and allow the wisdom that was also downloaded settle and absorb into my light.

The latest wise woman, was the same week as recent the crystal light activation January 2015, the full moon and just after the winter solstice.  It has taken me a bit to settle into the next step.  One moment, I am walking in the divine feminine goddess of innate wisdom that heralds the divine wisdom of love and light; and the next I am submerged in a hot bath trying to release the negative energies that seems to want to invade my aura.

And in truth, I do not wear flowy robes, probably never will. I am more of a mover. singer, dancer with the heart of a youth filled full of love and light. Hence the comment “Be Kind, Rewind.” Go back to my heart, my joy, my peaceful grace.  One thing that has come about with the crystal light activation is peace, harmony and joy.  We need much more of it.  If ya feel like dancing, dance; if you feel like singing, sing.  Life is to be lived and enjoyed with a beauty that is deep within us all.

Magical Blessings of love and light!
