The Voice of Authenticity

By Natasha Botkin 

Have you heard the whispers in the air, the lull of the moon, the dance of the waves…

One thing is for sure, 2016 will not allow you to hide, procrastinate and ignore.  The energy vibes are calling, whispering, saying your truth and the more that you try to ignore or hide, the stronger the vibes may become.  

It is like 2016 is standing up and saying enough, enough with your shenanghans.  I am here in the now; now follow me.  

The old adage of fake it until you make it, no longer rings true.  The toll of the bell, rings of love, of truth, of light.  

Now, this is not to say, that there will be those, who insist on “their way” with the idea of “free will.”  I am here to gently emphasize that this is a 9 year in numerology, and the karmic energies are here to remind you; good or bad, but karma would like your attention and this will not sulk away, as it would in the past.  

Here are a few ways to show up in an authentic manner, which can calm the storm of the lesson if you allow. 

Ask yourself are you authentically expressing:

  1. A feeling 
  2. An emotion (allowing yourself to feel this emotion)   Do not ignore it, this will tighten its grip- Breathe in and out as the emotion happens.
  3. A thought
  4. Is this a feeling, emotion or thought? 
  5. Where did the feeling, emotion or thought originate from? Pay careful attention to the signs that your emotional body is sending to your etheric body (i.e.  is your chest tight- then breath into your heart center and allow the emotion to flow in and out of you-almost like an ocean wave). 
  6. Is this actually a belief?  What is the illusion that you are trying to convince yourself as your truth?


The old adage of fake it til your make it, is an old adage, pattern and belief; the awakened conscious is no longer tolerant of these shenanghans.  And like an alligator these are bubbling up to the surface.  


 “Toil, toil, toil and trouble….” bubble, bubble bubble.

Place those woes in a pink bubble.  Take a deep breath, breath the woe into the pink bubble and gentle blow this away.  As the pink bubble leaves you, you may ask an angel to take it from you and/or request for them to help you pop it.    pink bubble

Awwww, this feels so much lighter, so much better.

May you feel light and love.


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 





December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Grand Opening

By Natasha Botkin 

The title reads Grand Opening; it might read Grand Re-Opening.

We are ever evolving and expanding and a website is no different.


canstock10254148Ta da………       canstock10254148

Magical Blessings Healing Center   

Grand Re-Opening.

A new beginning filled with the Magical Alchemy of Blessings.  

Come join in.  Enjoy.  

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Does it Really Matter?

by Natasha Botkin

With Luna’s full moon, I found myself releasing all over the place.  Out of the chaos, beauty emerged.  Well, that and a whole lot of “crappola” is now gone.  Bye-Bye is what I would like to say. There was no  need to think about the process, rather just go with the flow of it all.

With a major door slamming, I have no idea what the mysterious abyss will bring.  I am walking in the peaceful beauty and enjoying the present moment.  I wish for you to be able to release whatever “crappola” that one needs to release.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,
