December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Not All Wasingtonians Drink Starbucks

by Natasha Botkin 

Heart Coffee

This is by no means a manner of trashing Starbucks.  Once upon a time, I adored the Cafe Mocha treat.  I relished in the factor that I would enjoy a quick hot sip; then after getting past that tongue burn; pondering, why do I do that even though, I know it will happen.  Rush, rush down my throat and in mere moments it was greedily gone as if it had never existed.  So, I tried the long time point of savoring the cafe mocha and would relent to the trickle of this deliciousness traveling down my throat.  Looking at an empty cup and feeling like Patrick Starfish from Spongebob after inhaling his chocolate bar. Hey where’d it go.

After many moments, and many years of enjoyment this ended for me.  It was no longer a delight, but a burden to stand in line with “are you kidding me” amounts of people all like corporate zombies “must get coffee to survive,” and the expense.  There has to be another way. It was more of an awakening for me.

My obsession with french things began again or rather in a new manner.  There are many delights of France that one day I will enjoy, I always say.   At that point in time, it was a glass coffee press.  I would grind fresh coffee beans and press the aroma and freshest of coffee. Aww, the thrill of each morning getting to create the taste of the day, slowly pressing, releasing, enjoying. This continued until a personal espresso/coffee maker appeared in my life and left quite quickly as well.  Money was tight, so I bought a basic no thrills coffee maker; and my love of coffee subsided.

Then one day it was mentioned, “you need a Keurig.”  What is that? A quick zap and instance of a smart phone, and I was looking at pure delight.  I remember how excited I was when it was ordered, how long will it take to arrive and coming home to my surprise.  Yes, I enjoy this very much.  Love certain coffees that are offered, found myself with a reusable K cup and the enjoyment of grinding the whole beans of the moment, brewing the coffee and adding whatever almond, cashew or hazelnut milk that I have on hand. To sit and enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee.

In truth, I’ve spoken of coffee; yet, this has readings between the lines.  Can you see them?  I have lived life in a hurried manner, rushing to what’s next, then slowing down enjoying my time and then taking off to speed up again.

My angels saying enough, “we can fly as fast as you speed, but are you truly living?”  Their brief warning of last week.  Slow down and take care of you, stop running around with your head chopped off.  I arrived home to a crow consuming a pigeon, well an eagle had decapitated it and the crow feasting on what was left.  I tried to see the symbolism in it all; my angels gently guiding me.  When did the message arrive, just this morning as I was brewing my coffee, and so thankful that I do not need to rush off to go stand in line.

My message as a tortoise. a sweet soul made a simple comment on my blog, Thanks Melissa for taking the time, arrived as of now, slow down, enjoy life, your soul needs nourished, you heart cherished. Love you, love you, love you for without love there is no you. I am love.

What am I off to do….not sure….moment to moment of love and self nourishment for now.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,
