December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations

By Natasha Botkin

Have you ever wondered how to dive into the deepest depths placating the abysmal truth of your heart? 21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations is a creative meditative writing journal that can help you on your journey.

21 Days of Writing from the Heart Meditations CoverEach and every writing prompt and illustration has been a personal discover of mine.  The  21 Days of Writing From the Heart Meditations will take you into a depth, bringing forward what your heart has been trying to say to you.   It is like giving your heart the words and space to speak.

This is available in both Print form and Kindle form.  Click on the title link and this will take you straight to your own personal discovery of tru heart.  I wish you much love on your journey!! 

If you feel that you need a bit more assistance and guidance before, during and after this journey, the Magical Blessings Healing Center is only a click a way.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical BLessings, 




Facebook/Falsebook: Which Book, Which Story?

by Natasha Botkin

Angel with heart rose

I’ve recently read posts, blogs and such from others crying out for help from Facebook:  their cries are all about the depression and anxiety that Facebook has created for them.

Falsebook, Facebook……stories, they are stories of one’s life.  As another scrolls down this can lead to anxiety, panic attacks and depression.  Look at this person all happy, why can’t I get it together.  Look at the success of this individual, why can’t I be successful.

Let’s look from another perspective.  The one word that resonates is book….these are one’s story and not all stories are of truth; some spin big tales.  As a master intuitive and behavioral specialist, I often sit in observation mode smiling at the placating falseness and mistruth that one can often produce. Now this is not to say that all are; but they do exist more than others may realize.

Let me share a dear story: Years ago, I had one of the most intense story telling students.  She could spin quite the tale!!  After several meetings with her Grandmother, I looked at Grandma and said, “She will become the most incredible author.” Grandma amused, but not understanding, I then say, “She tells the greatest stories-now to filter out which is truth and which is fantasy is what a master teacher must muster.”  This Grandmother who was usually quite challenging – laughed, so hard tears puddled from her eyes.  This was not the first meeting, nor probably the last about the storytelling concern of her granddaughter; this brought forth a calmer, more peaceful manner to help her granddaughter write, and the last time I saw this young lady; she showed me her writing portfolio; awww, the stories that she created were purely fantasy, but a less harmful fantasy, as these are stories to entertain.

What does this have to do with Facebook, stories and feeling less than thereof.  Well, first if one does not have depression nor anxiety, then it is difficult to truly walk that walk.  However, those who do, do not fret dear ones as this is a book and in a book there are many chapters, characters and such.  Some characters you will love, some you will not and some of the things that is said and done, well it can make ya blush.

Ways to help to release an anxious moment or when it feels to big:

#1 Meditation:  If you find yourself overwhelmed and wanting to scream as you scroll.  Close your eyes, place your left hand on your heart and your right hand just above your navel.  Take a deep breath into the count of three (3).  Hold for three counts (3).  Exhale and as you breathe out place your fretful thought into a pink bubble and blow this away for three (counts).  On the last count pop it.  It is no more.  pink bubble

#2 No worries- Oh yes there are worries, it is still there:  It is not, it is a memory, a pattern, a block from the ego (Edging God Out) and this is not tru.  Repeat, this time stand up to your ego and say, “I fear you no more, I release that which does not serve; dear god I surrender the beastly to thee.”  Repeat the breathing moment for a total of 3 times.  Stupendously Be. 

In the end, what does this mean.  Never ever give up on you. Create your own story and enjoy your chapter, the good, the bad, the ugly.  In fact, look at it from another view, what story can you create.  This does not have to be negative, or one story, it can be many, fun, fantasy, everlasting, loving what your heart desires.  This is about your truth, your heart, your love to you.  You are a magnificent light being!!

Unblocking to Love Series: 

Yes, the Magical Blessing Healing Center offers readings, clearings; there is also a fun, creative side as well.  Wisdom pours forth from one’s heart in the most dearest of manners: creative play, writing and art form.

For example, the  Color My Soul course is about soul intuitive drawing.  This is drawing from the soul; but not in the traditional manner; we will learn how to work with chakra colors and spirit colors to create a soul drawing direct from your heart and soul.

This is a prerequisite for the Words of Wisdom course: Words are powerful! With this course let’s open you up by bringing forth the words that your heart and soul wish you to know.

Then there is also Write for Your Soul courseWe will combine the previous courses Color My Soul and Words of Wisdom to go even deeper, writing from your soul and see all amazing possibilities shine through.

And this is just the beginning to opening the portal……  Magical Blessings Healing Center Portal – Opening the Portal to your tru heart.

Click on the link, and this will take you directly to the Creative Discovery of Heart page at Magical Blessing Healings Center  .

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 



A New Approach

by Natasha Botkin

Triangle Heart

A week ago, the most amazing moment happened.  My soul and heart united in a whole other indescribable level.  One of my new goals is to create a positive meme each day, for the next 30 days.  I will post this via, Twitter (@magcialblessing), Instagram(@magicalblessings), Pintrest(MagicalBlessingsHealingCenter) and Facebook

I have already begun with a couple that were pre-made.  The rest is what my heart’s wisdom brings forth at that moment.

Be sure to visit

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 
