Full Wolf Moon

by Natasha Botkin 



By the light of the moon Full Wolf Moon

the full moon wolf howls. 

A spectator to some, 

the truth to others. 

Go dear ones and 

bask in the light 

of the full wolf moon. 


The January Full Moon is known as the Full Wolf Moon, and in some Native American cultures, it is called the snow moon, to other Native tribes this occurs in February.

 Why is it called this? 

In Native American and early Colonial times, the Full Moon for January was called the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages as the snow piled high.  The cold bareness of the land, created an echo, a call to the land, Mother Gaia, for food.

  Why a wolf? 

In symbolism and the totem,  the wolf is known for a strong connection into higher intuition. If you have ever heard of the idiom “wolf’s instict;” this is true as they have a way of knowing just when to appear.   A wolf is an excellent communicator with other wolves, the spiritual world and Luna (moon). As the wolf appears to you, what does your instict say or react to, what you are trying to say, but are not be hearing. Another moment they are known for is “sinking your teeth into,” but rather, thinking in a scary manner, look at it as what is the wolf trying to show you, communicate to your tru heart.

January Full Moon: 

Let’s look at the energies that have been cycling for us.  This full moon is January 23, 2016 @ 05:46 pm PST.  This is at the end of Mercury Retrograde.  Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection, it is a time to slow down, unwind and truly see what no longer serves you.  The bareness of the winter land, Merucry and the Full Wolf Moon can help you release that which no longer serves you.

Do not look at this as death, rather look at this as stillness. The stillness that you need to release, so that you may re-birth into a renewal of your heart and soul. A moment to go deep within, and sit with what you heart truly needs, not what the etheric ego desires.  As the wolf comes, sit with thee, request for the energies of the wolf to help you transfer what you need to Luna, so she may let it go.

Howls of the Wolf Removal of Old Baggage: 

  • Light a candle, and gaze into the flame. 
  •  Ask what do I need to release, stop listen and allow the stillness  unfolding to 
  • the beating heart.  
  • The heart whispers, allow this to deepen. Allow your heart to speak its truth. 
  •  Write down what comes, light this over your flame, and let it go releasing-to the wolf, who’s
  • howling, 
  • voicing echos will carry to Luna.  
  • Luna will release this from you. 
  • Take 3 deep breathes in. 
  • Rest.


Go Dear Ones, healing your heart by the light of the moon using an eternal flame.  Happy, Howling Full Wolf Moon and Happy Releasing, each and every Dear Heart. May you be peace and love to your heart.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 








December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


New Moon Prayer Intention, 11:11 and Metatron’s Sacred Geometry

by Natasha Botkin 


A new moon is about setting intentions and then allowing them into manifesting.

Then adding in the 11:11 is wonderful.




New Moon Prayer Intention: 

Under this New Moon, I am grateful for a new beginning.  

I ask Luna and the Divine to help aid the spirit of my light. 

Please help to guide my spirit to be my best ability.  

I am certain that I hold in my heart that I will get there. 

I am one with the moon & divine and so it is….





Help setting up intention(s):

  1. Have you written a wish list of ideas of what you like to have happen in the next 4 weeks.
  2. If not, then take a moment to jot this down.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Set your intention(s).
  5. Say the New Moon Prayer of Intention.
  6.  Set the intention(s) list to the flame of the candle and then place this in a crystal bowl of water to release to luna and say  “Dear Luna I release my intentions to thee, please help me to succeed.  Dear divine please help me with my intentions and bring forth these in a gentle manner to thee.”
  7. Take the ashes and bury this under a tree.  Idea tree choices: Cypress, Fir, Pine and Willow.
  8. Thank you luna and divine for helping me succeed.


What does 11:11 mean?

This new moon is also happening at the moment of 11:11.  This creates an even bigger shift of manifestation.  It is a way for the spirit to align with your tru heart and soul.  There is a shift from the old paradigm into the new paradigm, and this is a way for your soul to help activate the DNA to begin the process.

A golden moment to shine into the freshness of who you are and what you are meant to be.  The art of doing is melting away the old and welcoming the new being.

Sacred Geometry, 11:11 and the New Moon: 


Metatron’s Cube is immensely strong.

What is Metatron’s cube: Metatron’s cube oversees the flow of energy in a mystical cube; this contains all of the geometric shapes in God’s creation and represents the patterns that make up everything the divine has created. In his duties,  Metatron works by overseeing theTree of Life; whereas, Metatron sends creative energy down from the top (the crown) of the tree toward all the parts of creation.



Metatron’s message to you, “Beep, beep , beep (in the form of an alarm clock). This is your wake up call.  A new way to manifest your being of creating that whole that you are and what you here to do.  Allow the light to enter the wounds, and with this light, the wounds will heal and thus your anew has begun. Go forth and begin dear one.”

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Magical Blessings Healing Center



Gentle Approach

by Natasha Botkin 

With all of the energies that are happening, please be gentle with yourself.  

The angels and/or Archangels love when one requests assistance to help.  We also have the lunar energies of a full moon and luna would enjoy releasing  that which no longer serves you.  You, see Mercury Retrograde is really bringing up what no longer serves you and releasing is a must.  One may agree and move through in a gentle manner or resist with tension, pain, emotional outbursts and so forth.

Viewing the video gives you some ideas of ways to help you out.

  1.  Please note that angels love to help, but cannot unless you ask for this.
  2. Mercury Retrograde is creating a way for one to look back and reflect on energies, memories that no longer serve one and this must be released. A wonderful way is the lunar energies of a Super Full Moon as it can supercharge this release.
  3. There is also a lunar eclipse at the same time.  WOW!
  4. How beautiful as the Aries energies move in.   A new beginning after releasing the old.  YEAH!!
  5. Be sure to Play!  Playing is a wonderful way of releasing that which no longer serves one.  Even though everyone’s play looks different, enjoy your playing time.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Once in a Blue Moon

by Natasha Botkin 

The full moon on July 31, 2015 will be a blue moon.  blue moon with wolf

What does this mean? 

It doesn’t happen very often. About once every 2.5 years. But when a single month displays two full moons within its span of days, the second full moon is known as the Blue Moon. Such is the case for July 2015 when on July 1st we saw the Full Moon, and on July 31st we will experience the 2nd Full Moon Phase, the Blue Moon.

The phrase doesn’t really signify the color of the moon, but rather it’s rare occurrence. Although the moon can take on a blue hue from atmospheric interference. The ash and soot from a volcanic eruption or wild-fire can distort the atmosphere enough to cause the moon to look blue.

Chakra Color: 

Blue is the color of the fifth chakra.  This is also the chakra that is associated with communication.

What are you expressing?
What kind of signals are you sending?
What’s the motivation behind your communication?

Utilize this blue-moon-moment in time to contemplate your spoken and unspoken thoughts and feelings.  Be mindful of what you think and feel.  The universe will answer you.  Do you wish for Luna’s powerful energies to create an answer that you do not wish to receive.


The moon is associated with feminine, shadows, and silver.

  • Feminine: This is the yin aspect of the feminine;  if you are a female this is time for you as a woman to be in all your glory.
  • Silvery: This is an ancient alchemy partner silver to be at the symbolic play of Clarity, Purification and Transition.  (Ask Luna to clear what needs to be released and watch the energies create a most magical of alchemy of letting go that which no longer serves one).
  • Shadows: This means going deep within.  Luna is the cloaked mistress of mystery.  She will help you to go deep within the crevices of your dark shadow side.  This is not meant to frighten nor harm you, but help one to dive deep into the truth of who you are.


There is divine timing in everything. Divine spirit and luna energies powering up together can create a compelling movement forward and allow your soul to sparkle with delight.  This is a time to go deep within, seek out those deep emotional truths and release them to those who will sweep them away.  Thus creating a shiny, sparkly new you.

Moon Ritual Altar:

  • Cleanse: This helps to purify yourself for the releasing of what needs to go.  Water is also associated with emotions; these will be deep emotions with the full moon. This could mean a nice hot bath alone or with a special loved one or sitting near water. Or you can have a beautiful crystal bowl and fill this with water, crystals and a few flowers of your choosing.
  • Dressing: Comfortable, light free-flowing clothing is idea.  Whether you are forgoing this alone or as a couple dress as you would like.  Now, if you wish to abstain from clothing, then be prepared for possible legal occurrences
  • Objects: Candle  You can use any color, as you choose; a white candle represent the purity of the divine spirit.

                        Poster- A nice howling wolf can help emote the lunar energies.  Wolves have a symbolically magical way about them.

If you wish to go more in-depth of the full moon ritual you may prepare a meal.

  • Food: For a formal ritual, you’ll need a goblet/chalice, a pitcher of wine or fruit juice, a plate or bowl with fruit, meat or cheese and crackers. Or some form of food/dessert that reflects the season when the Blue Moon occurs. I also recommend a nice piece of meditation music. Don’t forget your grimoire (a book of shadows) to record your evenings thoughts and experiences.


  •  This could be a grounding meditation or requesting Luna/Divine Spirit to join you as you begin, (Dear Luna and Divine Spirit may you please join me on my sacred journey for this full moon). Ancient ways have a sword being placed across a circle.
  • Set Intentions: This is a full moon, so what do you wish to have cleared and released out of your life?  This is an ideal time for releasing old patterns, beliefs, addictions and such.
  • You can also ask for more clear communication.


  • If you know a high priestess or shaman you can request them to conduct the ceremony. They can go deeper; if you know a multidimensional high priestess, lucky you!! .  It is nice if you do know a high priestess or shaman.  They can help conduct the energies between the spiritual and the physical.  If not, then you can guide yourself with these suggestions. It is all set on intentions.  There is no perfect way. No worries, if you do not have access.  You can make statements as your intention.  Allow this to freely flow from your heart.
  • If this ritual is between you and your partner; who is representing the feminine and who is representing the masculine.  As not all partnerships are male and female; so if you have a male-male, female-female partnership, it is best to seek who will represent each.
  • Suggestion: The physical are the items that you will bring.  If you need a spiritual mantra here is one:A Full Moon Release Ritual

    What you need: pen, paper, matches, candle, two small bowls, water

    If possible do this outside under the Full Moon, connecting directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies.

    If you cannot be outside, find a quiet place indoors.

    1. Clear your energy. Imagine standing under a silver waterfall and allow all negative and non-serving energies to be washed away.
    2. Create a sacred space. Find a quiet place to sit, declutter and clean, place crystals or other special items around you.
    3. Light the candle, fill one small bowl with water – place both in front of you, along with the other empty bowl.
    4. Take a few deep breaths, centre yourself and then begin to write on the piece of paper what you wish to release from your life, what limiting beliefs you want to be free from, what no longer serves you or what you want to let go of.
    5. When you have finished your list, sign and date the page.
    6. Breathe deep into your heart and declare “I now let this go. And it is so.” Then place one corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page (throw the page into the empty bowl as it burns) watching the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke taking your intention to the Universe. Please note: if your piece of paper struggles to light or burn, please consider if you are really ready to let this go! Only when you are willing to let go will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more willing you are to let it go.
    7. Then place your hands in the bowl of water. Signifying cleansing of the old and opening to the new.
    8. Remove your hands from the water and take a deep breath. Sit in silence for a moment. You may want to keep your candle burning for a while as you sit,allowing inspiration to spark.

    This is only a suggestion of a ritual. Use your intuition to guide you.


  • Closing is saying what comes to mind.  This could be a prayer, a song, what comes to your heart.

May you enjoy your beautiful full moon journey.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


June’s New Moon (Set Your Intentions)

by Natasha Botkin 

New moon

June 16, 2015 at 7:07 am PST time standard there is a new moon.

There are many powerful energies that dance along with this new moon.  Luna is quite prepared for all that shines forth, as with newness is awe and wonder.  Okay, that is me.  I am excited for this new moon.  I cannot describe the why; I just know, it’s like a feeling-in fact a giddy, excited feeling.

Light a white candle. Set your intentions.

One can write them down, speak them-basically what calls to you.  

Then place or speak your intentions in the flame (be very careful) and douse the flame with water.  


Sit back and watch what comes.  

Now I will say, that not all intentions are instant; some are meant to be and others need a bit more time.  Divine timing to be exact.  Divine timing is always on time.

Happy New Moon!


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Cancel, Clear , Delete

By Natasha  Botkin 

goddess heart

It all began with an email, I looked at it and went what, is this a joke?  A dear soul I adore wrote me something that made no sense.  I stepped back and asked for the divine feminine wisdom deep within me to herald forward.

Did the answer show right away? No, in fact,  another bizarre email appeared, same sender. Archangel Michael, please help, what is this?  Why am I being given these details?  Then another email from another that held bits and pieces of truth…

Again, I felt lost.  Why is this happening?  I have so much to contend with as of late, please no more.

My heart holds incredible wisdom.  I turned to my inner goddess, show me, give me signs, symbols, help me.  One by one the signs showed, the symbols arrived.  My heart opening up fun bits and pieces.

Then an article breezed my way and the words “magical new beginnings” appeared.  My heart, she began to sing and hum; I chimed into my intuition.  I stopped and listened to the gentle rain and birds singing so sweetly.  Read with care dear one, answers lie within.  I began to read this article and each word, sentence, began to answer what my heart knew; listen to my heart.

I sat there happy, internally dancing.  Victory! Score! One for Natasha’s Heart!  The motion was put forth, go with the flow; a heart full of truth and great love. Me singing to Luna, oh thank you, thank you, thank you!!  Perfect timing with the full moon!!  

What happened next was pure sweetness!  A tarot card that read Cancel, Clear, Delete. Archangel Michael saying, “Only use positive thoughts.”  I knew, what this meant, the past month has been intense!  I recently had lupines dance my way to remind me of “positive thoughts,” and now all of this love from the angels, fairies, goddess’, luna, mother gaia, solia, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.  I am so graciously and magically blessed!!

My heart knows its truth and those who wish to sidetrack me, so not happening!  My heart wins a victory!!  I say to myself, “That a girl!  You KNOW your stuff!” Magical Blessings Business card logo

Much Love, Much Light and Magically Blessings, 

