Ode to the Stretch Mark

By Natasha Botkin 

heart spiral

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend,  “How did you do this alone, how were you a mom to not one, but two autistic boys, all on your own?  I honor you.”

I have always felt blessed that the divine choose me to be their mom.  Through the good, the bad and the ugly times; raising two autistic boys on my own was not easy: there were many moments of tears, a mama grizzly bear ready to swipe anyone who would harm her cubs.  Then there is the laughter, the joy of raising, guiding, seeing their shining moments.

My unproud moment was the affects, and I offer a sincere apology to all women.  I am sorry that I have pointed, mawked, and been down right ashamed of my stretch marks, my beloved honoring me, saying , “You would be gorgeous in a bikini.” My response, “Oh yuck, with these?  Yeah, no!”

Today, something stopped me in my tracks, I was looking and sighing at “them.”  Then, I read somewhere: “There are some women who wish that they had stretch marks, and have not been given that oppotunity….”

I am truly sorry to the divine, to my beautiful self and to all women.  No matter how you became a mother, that does not matter, you are a mom and that is the most important aspect.  However, with that said, as a tribute to all women, I will wear these stretch marks with pride and honor for all women, moms.

My request, is that you too, join in and honor all women and shine your stretch marks as the beauty that you truly are!!

white rosebud with pink tipsMuch Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


New Moon Prayer Intention, 11:11 and Metatron’s Sacred Geometry

by Natasha Botkin 


A new moon is about setting intentions and then allowing them into manifesting.

Then adding in the 11:11 is wonderful.




New Moon Prayer Intention: 

Under this New Moon, I am grateful for a new beginning.  

I ask Luna and the Divine to help aid the spirit of my light. 

Please help to guide my spirit to be my best ability.  

I am certain that I hold in my heart that I will get there. 

I am one with the moon & divine and so it is….





Help setting up intention(s):

  1. Have you written a wish list of ideas of what you like to have happen in the next 4 weeks.
  2. If not, then take a moment to jot this down.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Set your intention(s).
  5. Say the New Moon Prayer of Intention.
  6.  Set the intention(s) list to the flame of the candle and then place this in a crystal bowl of water to release to luna and say  “Dear Luna I release my intentions to thee, please help me to succeed.  Dear divine please help me with my intentions and bring forth these in a gentle manner to thee.”
  7. Take the ashes and bury this under a tree.  Idea tree choices: Cypress, Fir, Pine and Willow.
  8. Thank you luna and divine for helping me succeed.


What does 11:11 mean?

This new moon is also happening at the moment of 11:11.  This creates an even bigger shift of manifestation.  It is a way for the spirit to align with your tru heart and soul.  There is a shift from the old paradigm into the new paradigm, and this is a way for your soul to help activate the DNA to begin the process.

A golden moment to shine into the freshness of who you are and what you are meant to be.  The art of doing is melting away the old and welcoming the new being.

Sacred Geometry, 11:11 and the New Moon: 


Metatron’s Cube is immensely strong.

What is Metatron’s cube: Metatron’s cube oversees the flow of energy in a mystical cube; this contains all of the geometric shapes in God’s creation and represents the patterns that make up everything the divine has created. In his duties,  Metatron works by overseeing theTree of Life; whereas, Metatron sends creative energy down from the top (the crown) of the tree toward all the parts of creation.



Metatron’s message to you, “Beep, beep , beep (in the form of an alarm clock). This is your wake up call.  A new way to manifest your being of creating that whole that you are and what you here to do.  Allow the light to enter the wounds, and with this light, the wounds will heal and thus your anew has begun. Go forth and begin dear one.”

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Magical Blessings Healing Center



Gentle Approach

by Natasha Botkin 

With all of the energies that are happening, please be gentle with yourself.  

The angels and/or Archangels love when one requests assistance to help.  We also have the lunar energies of a full moon and luna would enjoy releasing  that which no longer serves you.  You, see Mercury Retrograde is really bringing up what no longer serves you and releasing is a must.  One may agree and move through in a gentle manner or resist with tension, pain, emotional outbursts and so forth.

Viewing the video gives you some ideas of ways to help you out.

  1.  Please note that angels love to help, but cannot unless you ask for this.
  2. Mercury Retrograde is creating a way for one to look back and reflect on energies, memories that no longer serve one and this must be released. A wonderful way is the lunar energies of a Super Full Moon as it can supercharge this release.
  3. There is also a lunar eclipse at the same time.  WOW!
  4. How beautiful as the Aries energies move in.   A new beginning after releasing the old.  YEAH!!
  5. Be sure to Play!  Playing is a wonderful way of releasing that which no longer serves one.  Even though everyone’s play looks different, enjoy your playing time.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


A New Approach to Mercury Retrograde

by Natasha Botkin 

Poor Mercury what did this dear planet ever do to humans.  Why is this planet getting so much flack.  This planet represents clear thinking, communication, truth and travel.  During a retrograde, it appears that Mercury is spinning backwards.

Some may say that this causes electronics to go haywire.  Some may agree that communication is difficult.

This can be viewed from a negative propensity.  However, one can turn this around and view this as a truly a beautiful sacred gift.  It is a gift.

Mercury is presenting one with a way to honor themselves.  How better to honor one’s self with a gift of truthful communication.  A gift of communicating and traveling to be your true authentic self.  For too long humans have created a vortex of negativity about Mercury, and yet Mercury presents a great gift.  When one truly turns inward and communicates with their heart and soul (higher self), one is truly able to communicate avidly with another.  

Thus Mercury presents ever so often the opportunity to let go of the distractions, go deep inside and release that which no longer should be able to rest within one’s self.  Only then can you be the true you.  

Thank you Mercury for helping us to cycle back and reflect the lessons of our spiral.  By granting us the ability to let go of a the lesson.

May you be able to change the angle of the camera lens and receive this wonderous gift. 

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings


Unforeseen Forces

by Natasha Botkin 

How many times, have you written a positive affirmation, meditated, tried, cried, pleaded, begged only to seem to return to something that just did not make sense.  It may not be what you think, an unforeseen force, that needs to be released.  I smile, as I hear some who read this, oh I will do this myself, I’ll turn to…just know that you are not alone and do not have to do this alone.

I will begin the blog post, with a grateful thank you to my paternal grandmother.  In life, we had tiffs and riffs, in death, she has been a huge advocate.   Her latest moment of love was a serious unforeseen force that needed to be released.  This does not belong to me.  It belongs to others and their discord unwelcome.

Often times, one may feel as why does this keep happening.  I am trying so hard to do it right.

You see, I am a powerful manifestor in a way of magical alchemy.  One day I thought I’d love that, hmm how can this be achieved and poof here it was.  Yet, as soon as it is here, this seems to leave.  What am I discussing: money.  I am always divinely provided for and have had many opportunities to move in a different direction.  I had much more and lost it all.  Having to reinvent myself.  Rocking the foundation and to begin to build anew.  Unfortunately, it has always felt like a weight on my shoulders.  Even when I had a comfortable bank account, there was something, almost a self-fulfilling prophecy that it will go, so I would hold on tight to my bag.   Me shaking my head, why, what is happening.

I hear the energies of ancients, of my grandparents arguing.  The vision comes forth, I sit and watch this screen, as if I am watching a movie.  My paternal grandmother, kindly nudging everyone, “This was our pain to bear, not hers.  Let her go, she has much to do.”

I saw me, all the money that wants to come to me, and then me dragging the bag, what I will call the family’s financial woe is me bag. Oh my goodness there is a hole in my bag, the bills wafting in the wind and then a wall or rather a block, I am trying to peer over the wall to see.  Youhoo, can anyone hear me, please help me, I do not know what to do.  Why does this keep repeating….

Images of those who came before me, the financial worries of loss, hide it, so no one will know what we have, don’t let go, we cannot go hungry again, the list goes on and on.  What I am seeing is the financial money block that I did not “see.”  No matter how many affirmations, this would not relent, no matter the mindset, the unforeseen forces held tight.

My paternal grandmother pleading, “Let her go, this is our pain, our worries, our fears; she does not need this, let her be set free from our madness.” 

The vision so strong, it moving in a different manner.  Me clearing, releasing that which is not mine.  Me smiling, feeling lighter, picking up a bag, where shall I take this all of my monies.  I see a door opening for me.  With the family ties releasing, it is now up to me to do what’s best for me.  I can see the shining glimmer of hope, “the future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.”

This was a family financial woes and feelings of money.  A financial block that kept me from truly achieving everything I’ve dreamt.  As my dear grandmother stated, this does not belong to me.  I am not them, they are not me.  One does not need to be saddled with the ideas that are not theirs.  Go forth and be the best, truest, you that, you can be!! 

I can help you, follow the link below; if you contact me under the services page, I will take 30% off your Reading.  This offer will be good from July 7, 2015- July 17, 2015.  

What’s the worst that can happen a small investment for a lifetime of financial happiness.


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


They Overrode the Buttons

by Natasha Botkin 

Angel with heart rose

During last night’s dream time, a moment of truth shined through.  It began with a moment of the past – way in the past.  A mixture of high school, people who I once knew, and have not seen in a long time. Some are friends on Facebook, a face at the grocery store.  I wait in observer mode, I am placed in a chair without a name tag as all the other chairs have name tags.  This does not bother me, as I used my present name, not a maiden name; so they would not label my chair as such.

I am not sure as to the length of time that emerged, this was not important.  Other details surfaced, again not of too much importance, almost like the extras of a movie.  Then a person I went to school with from kindergarten through 12th grade showed, requested me to follow him.  There is a moment of confusion, he wasn’t a “friend,” we just attended school together; often in the same classes.  He was not allowed to be my friend, via the “mean girl crew.”  I did not fit in, and he just went along.

We enter a darkened small space, I see the buttons.  Wait, we are in an elevator.  He steps away, “they” overrode the buttons.  Others get off the elevator, this “male classmate,” says do not leave; turns his head over his shoulder; “besides; they have overridden the buttons; you will depart soon.”  I did stop the “male classmate,” Why did you appear?”  He does not respond in voice, and yet I hear “You will soon know.” 

My memory returns to an email. “You are here to defy stereo-typing.” I am more than aware, that I will ascend.  How much further up the spiral or shall we say elevator, I was not sure at that moment.

The elevator whirls, I feel my energy increase, the vibrational matter more crystalline.  The door opens, I am on top of a mountain, stadium, this does not matter.  I look down and see others; not in a condescending manner, more of a look at all who will come. I look to all of the Archangels who surround me with pure divine love and light, I say, “You overrode my buttons, the matter does not matter, I am here, I accept, I am here…all I do ask is now what….” 

I awaken in a bed I know and yet, realize that nothing from this moment on will be as it once was.  Today, I will rest.  Tomorrow I was planning on going to the Farmer’s Market and wonder well….

Rest, relax, you will have much work to do soon….quite soon….rest dear one, your living has just begun. I am okay, with the unknown; what will be will be. I will fluctuate more to the feminine; mother is near….

I do ask, “Why that “male classmate” Why not my BeLoved that once showed me a movie – ‘Click.'” My higher self responds meditate.  Through meditation I am aware that the “male classmate” has surfaced each time I have a major transition in my life, and that is all that musters through.  Triangle Heart

So, I am off to the unknown, living moment by moment, step by step; my higher self-will guide along with all the divine, angels, fairies, mystical creatures, magical creatures, Galactic Counsel and Federation of Light.  Those who will hear, will hear, those who will see will see the love and light that shine through the vastness of which is me. 

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Endless Magic

by Natasha Botkin 

There are no accidents in life; everything is part of one’s dream.  Yes, even the tough stuff has been destined to you per one’s agreement pro esoteric form.

Today, a gentleman opened up magical possibilities of awe and wonder for me.  This destiny paving the way for something far greater.  His gift seemed simple and in a way it is.  It looks to another like a polished rock.  Aww, it is not.  As a crystal elder, I should be able to name the crystal, and yet I could not; but, upon placing it in my hand, the crystal began to vibrate and gently sing.

There were no exchange of what was happening; he knew he had delivered the crystal to it’s owner –  he pleased and me delighted to be the receiver.

Awww, dear crystal I am incredibly excited for all the possibilities that you will open me up for.  I am truly blessed in many, many ways!!  270666_428571330511863_201485634_n

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Standing Up to say Hello and Breathing Life Into….

by Natasha Botkin

I am standing up to say hello.  Last weekend I breathed life into my website.  This is extremely exciting!


Be sure to stop on by, check us out, say hello and reach out.  There are so many ways to heal one’s energy.  This can be completed via the internet, distance healing, or in person.  One size does not fit all.  Fill out the contact form and let’s begin the most magical journey.

Much Love, much Light and Magical Blessings,


Taking a Huge Leap of Faith

by Natasha Botkin

Archangel Raziel

Happy, happy dancing!!

My heart desires so much.  There is so much that needs released.  Old patterns, belief,  poof going, going gone.

Me taking a huge leap of faith; me stepping into my truth.

Today, I breathed life into my website.


Be sure to check it out!

Much# Love, Much #Light and #Magical Blessings,


The Ugly Truth

by Natasha Botkin 

ugly truth

The truth is not always glamorous.  Sometimes when it shows up, it is down right U-gly.  That’s the beauty of it all.  One has the ability to accept their truth or deny it.

In my vlog, I describe a moment in time when my ugly truth showed up.

It’s meaning to me….well you will need to view the vlog to find out.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,
