Full Wolf Moon

by Natasha Botkin 



By the light of the moon Full Wolf Moon

the full moon wolf howls. 

A spectator to some, 

the truth to others. 

Go dear ones and 

bask in the light 

of the full wolf moon. 


The January Full Moon is known as the Full Wolf Moon, and in some Native American cultures, it is called the snow moon, to other Native tribes this occurs in February.

 Why is it called this? 

In Native American and early Colonial times, the Full Moon for January was called the Full Wolf Moon. It appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages as the snow piled high.  The cold bareness of the land, created an echo, a call to the land, Mother Gaia, for food.

  Why a wolf? 

In symbolism and the totem,  the wolf is known for a strong connection into higher intuition. If you have ever heard of the idiom “wolf’s instict;” this is true as they have a way of knowing just when to appear.   A wolf is an excellent communicator with other wolves, the spiritual world and Luna (moon). As the wolf appears to you, what does your instict say or react to, what you are trying to say, but are not be hearing. Another moment they are known for is “sinking your teeth into,” but rather, thinking in a scary manner, look at it as what is the wolf trying to show you, communicate to your tru heart.

January Full Moon: 

Let’s look at the energies that have been cycling for us.  This full moon is January 23, 2016 @ 05:46 pm PST.  This is at the end of Mercury Retrograde.  Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection, it is a time to slow down, unwind and truly see what no longer serves you.  The bareness of the winter land, Merucry and the Full Wolf Moon can help you release that which no longer serves you.

Do not look at this as death, rather look at this as stillness. The stillness that you need to release, so that you may re-birth into a renewal of your heart and soul. A moment to go deep within, and sit with what you heart truly needs, not what the etheric ego desires.  As the wolf comes, sit with thee, request for the energies of the wolf to help you transfer what you need to Luna, so she may let it go.

Howls of the Wolf Removal of Old Baggage: 

  • Light a candle, and gaze into the flame. 
  •  Ask what do I need to release, stop listen and allow the stillness  unfolding to 
  • the beating heart.  
  • The heart whispers, allow this to deepen. Allow your heart to speak its truth. 
  •  Write down what comes, light this over your flame, and let it go releasing-to the wolf, who’s
  • howling, 
  • voicing echos will carry to Luna.  
  • Luna will release this from you. 
  • Take 3 deep breathes in. 
  • Rest.


Go Dear Ones, healing your heart by the light of the moon using an eternal flame.  Happy, Howling Full Wolf Moon and Happy Releasing, each and every Dear Heart. May you be peace and love to your heart.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 








The Voice of Authenticity

By Natasha Botkin 

Have you heard the whispers in the air, the lull of the moon, the dance of the waves…

One thing is for sure, 2016 will not allow you to hide, procrastinate and ignore.  The energy vibes are calling, whispering, saying your truth and the more that you try to ignore or hide, the stronger the vibes may become.  

It is like 2016 is standing up and saying enough, enough with your shenanghans.  I am here in the now; now follow me.  

The old adage of fake it until you make it, no longer rings true.  The toll of the bell, rings of love, of truth, of light.  

Now, this is not to say, that there will be those, who insist on “their way” with the idea of “free will.”  I am here to gently emphasize that this is a 9 year in numerology, and the karmic energies are here to remind you; good or bad, but karma would like your attention and this will not sulk away, as it would in the past.  

Here are a few ways to show up in an authentic manner, which can calm the storm of the lesson if you allow. 

Ask yourself are you authentically expressing:

  1. A feeling 
  2. An emotion (allowing yourself to feel this emotion)   Do not ignore it, this will tighten its grip- Breathe in and out as the emotion happens.
  3. A thought
  4. Is this a feeling, emotion or thought? 
  5. Where did the feeling, emotion or thought originate from? Pay careful attention to the signs that your emotional body is sending to your etheric body (i.e.  is your chest tight- then breath into your heart center and allow the emotion to flow in and out of you-almost like an ocean wave). 
  6. Is this actually a belief?  What is the illusion that you are trying to convince yourself as your truth?


The old adage of fake it til your make it, is an old adage, pattern and belief; the awakened conscious is no longer tolerant of these shenanghans.  And like an alligator these are bubbling up to the surface.  


 “Toil, toil, toil and trouble….” bubble, bubble bubble.

Place those woes in a pink bubble.  Take a deep breath, breath the woe into the pink bubble and gentle blow this away.  As the pink bubble leaves you, you may ask an angel to take it from you and/or request for them to help you pop it.    pink bubble

Awwww, this feels so much lighter, so much better.

May you feel light and love.


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 





How Do You Repsond?

By Natasha Botkin 

Life can create choppy waves, the true question is how do you respond.

My dog and I were enjoying a beautiful, sunny day at the beach.  The waves pushing her around, but as a typical Lab, she was relentless on, “Please, oh please throw me the stick.  I can do this Mom.”  Me completely aware of her swimming abilities.

A bitter lady nearby said, “You are a cruel pet owner, she’s surely to drown.”

Now this lady, has never seen us, does not know us and has no clue to us.  This did not deter me from enjoying my moment at the beach.  My sweet dog happily, jumping in the waves, fetching her stick and both of us having an all around good time.

At one moment, a wave came up and nearly toppled her, but she held her ground and frolicked out to sea.  It was at this moment, my higher self said, “Well how do you respond?”  

Brilliant question from a wise soul!   So I ask you the same requited question.  How do you respond?  Do you allow the waves to toppled you over or beat against you, feeling as if you are drowning or less than there of.  Or do you reach deep within and allow the tranquility of peace to wash all over you, in you and around you as life creates those tough wavy moments.

As this woman, made her statement, I did not “feel” anything, rather I knew this was not about me, but her.  My choice at that particular moment to turn inward, inhaling the calm, serene blue skies inward, pausing for a moment and then breathing out a pink bubble and blowing this to the wind and sea.

May you too have the ability to breathe in the peace and breathe out a pink bubble  blowing “this” away from you.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Not All Wasingtonians Drink Starbucks

by Natasha Botkin 

Heart Coffee

This is by no means a manner of trashing Starbucks.  Once upon a time, I adored the Cafe Mocha treat.  I relished in the factor that I would enjoy a quick hot sip; then after getting past that tongue burn; pondering, why do I do that even though, I know it will happen.  Rush, rush down my throat and in mere moments it was greedily gone as if it had never existed.  So, I tried the long time point of savoring the cafe mocha and would relent to the trickle of this deliciousness traveling down my throat.  Looking at an empty cup and feeling like Patrick Starfish from Spongebob after inhaling his chocolate bar. Hey where’d it go.

After many moments, and many years of enjoyment this ended for me.  It was no longer a delight, but a burden to stand in line with “are you kidding me” amounts of people all like corporate zombies “must get coffee to survive,” and the expense.  There has to be another way. It was more of an awakening for me.

My obsession with french things began again or rather in a new manner.  There are many delights of France that one day I will enjoy, I always say.   At that point in time, it was a glass coffee press.  I would grind fresh coffee beans and press the aroma and freshest of coffee. Aww, the thrill of each morning getting to create the taste of the day, slowly pressing, releasing, enjoying. This continued until a personal espresso/coffee maker appeared in my life and left quite quickly as well.  Money was tight, so I bought a basic no thrills coffee maker; and my love of coffee subsided.

Then one day it was mentioned, “you need a Keurig.”  What is that? A quick zap and instance of a smart phone, and I was looking at pure delight.  I remember how excited I was when it was ordered, how long will it take to arrive and coming home to my surprise.  Yes, I enjoy this very much.  Love certain coffees that are offered, found myself with a reusable K cup and the enjoyment of grinding the whole beans of the moment, brewing the coffee and adding whatever almond, cashew or hazelnut milk that I have on hand. To sit and enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee.

In truth, I’ve spoken of coffee; yet, this has readings between the lines.  Can you see them?  I have lived life in a hurried manner, rushing to what’s next, then slowing down enjoying my time and then taking off to speed up again.

My angels saying enough, “we can fly as fast as you speed, but are you truly living?”  Their brief warning of last week.  Slow down and take care of you, stop running around with your head chopped off.  I arrived home to a crow consuming a pigeon, well an eagle had decapitated it and the crow feasting on what was left.  I tried to see the symbolism in it all; my angels gently guiding me.  When did the message arrive, just this morning as I was brewing my coffee, and so thankful that I do not need to rush off to go stand in line.

My message as a tortoise. a sweet soul made a simple comment on my blog, Thanks Melissa for taking the time, arrived as of now, slow down, enjoy life, your soul needs nourished, you heart cherished. Love you, love you, love you for without love there is no you. I am love.

What am I off to do….not sure….moment to moment of love and self nourishment for now.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Endless Magic

by Natasha Botkin 

There are no accidents in life; everything is part of one’s dream.  Yes, even the tough stuff has been destined to you per one’s agreement pro esoteric form.

Today, a gentleman opened up magical possibilities of awe and wonder for me.  This destiny paving the way for something far greater.  His gift seemed simple and in a way it is.  It looks to another like a polished rock.  Aww, it is not.  As a crystal elder, I should be able to name the crystal, and yet I could not; but, upon placing it in my hand, the crystal began to vibrate and gently sing.

There were no exchange of what was happening; he knew he had delivered the crystal to it’s owner –  he pleased and me delighted to be the receiver.

Awww, dear crystal I am incredibly excited for all the possibilities that you will open me up for.  I am truly blessed in many, many ways!!  270666_428571330511863_201485634_n

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Happy May-Day!

by Natasha Botkin

May Day Flowers 2015

May-day has always been a special kind of day for me.  I absolutely adore nature, and flowers are a special gift for us all to enjoy.  As a child, you could find me just before May Day in the park or at home, creating May Day Flowers.

Now how I went about it was also quite whimsical.  One never knew if they would receive a yellow dandelion or a dandelion puff to make a magical wish.

Then I would take these special smiles from the fairies, and run up to someone’s door, place it at the door, ring the doorbell and giggle while running away.  I always thought that I was so sneakily clever, only to discover from a neighbor that she loved my special gifts over the years..  As she put it, “dear you were giggling away with such delight, no one had the heart to tell you; you did bring so much joy to those who always needed it; it’s like you knew who needed it the most.”  Awww, my eyes were filled with wonderful tears, and here to think I thought that I was so spry; oh well it is the thought that counts.

May you receive a special gift of love this May Day, whether it is a real flower bouquet, paper flowers or a dear drawing from a special little loved one.

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Standing Up to say Hello and Breathing Life Into….

by Natasha Botkin

I am standing up to say hello.  Last weekend I breathed life into my website.  This is extremely exciting!


Be sure to stop on by, check us out, say hello and reach out.  There are so many ways to heal one’s energy.  This can be completed via the internet, distance healing, or in person.  One size does not fit all.  Fill out the contact form and let’s begin the most magical journey.

Much Love, much Light and Magical Blessings,


The Power of ‘Just Be’

pansyThe power of ‘Just Be’ is not an easy one to follow for many.  It is not because you do not wish for the change.  Many often feel that they are creating, making the changes.  I sat watching another recently struggling, wanting to change; yet, the old patterns and beliefs tug and pull to the disbelieving state of mind.

That is just it.  It is a state of mind.  If it is in the mind, then ego brings forth its lies.  You see the ego lies and lies big time.  Even I have to sit back and seek peace, solace, my truth.  In today’s busy world this is not always easy; nor is it easy when others around one may not understand.

I am a sacred heart high priestess, this does not mean turn on a dime.  Often times, it is heralding the ancient, divine wisdom and needing to sit with my sacred heart.  Yet, there are people who do not understand this at all.  Placing me on the spot may not bring forth what you had wished.  I do need to be in the ‘Just Be’ state and may not even presently be in the third dimension.  Often times I will leave a hologram and slip into other dimensions.  Happily gliding amongst where I am truly needed in that moment.

Do not be afraid to speak up and say, hey give me a minute.  I will admit, I was unsure how to say this.  I mean, come on, how do I say to one who disbelieves, sorry I am not present, and am unavailable for an individual whose energies, I really wish to seek solace from, and now you are putting pressure on me to jump to your patterns and beliefs.  Phew!  I have become more adept at politely returning this back on to the individual who is impatient and wants it their way, right now.  You see, I was once one of those people and am so thankful that I am able to live in the ‘Just Be’ moment.

Recently, I sat back and listened to another speak of an experience she had with a psychic and my heart began to scream noooooo. I cannot stress enough, there is not one size fits all.  One can be given suggestions, guidance and wisdom;however, it is the individual who needs to tailor this to their needs.  Here at the Magical Blessings Healing Center; we can help wipe the slate clean, begin anew and help gently guide one in a manner that is for their personal best.  Please reach out for fees and times.

As a sacred heart high priestess, I do not utilize just one forum; I may speak with the angels, Archangel Michael has been with me since birth, or flower therapy or a speaking with animals, crystals, Reiki, etc. and etc. Again, what heralds forth is what one truly needs when they work with me.  My higher self sings forward much of the time and Amel is ever wise with ancient wisdom beginning with just a moment ago and diving back to Atlantis.  What I am saying is, hey do not get caught up in the but, allow your mind to shut down.  I had to tell my ego it was fired many times; even today, I will turn to my precarious mind keeper and say,” okay I need you to….”  One day soon, I need to draw up a sketch, he’s quite a character.

Archeangel Michael, “Dears ring true to you, go inside, listen to your heart, be true to your heart, not ego, disallow, disslove ego.” 

I am sharing my ‘Just Be” meditation here again, use this to bring yourself into the present moment, disallow noise, yep that means shut off that cell phone, because your ego will say, well I’ll just peek, no that does not work.  Be real, that is another I must stress be real, don’t lie to yourself.  Society lies so much, at least give yourself that respect and take that moment.  Even if it is for 10=15 minutes, the old adage that Rome wasn’t built-in a day is true, so it will be true for you as well.  It takes time to readjust old patterns and beliefs.

The links are at the top, but just in case here ya go…

Jump over to my Magical Blessings Healings Center Facebook page (lots of ideas and suggestions that herald forward)


Or to my Twitter account

“Dear Ones, be kind to you, your heart, your soul.  Your heart is the strongest energy that you herald.  Quiet the mind, quiet the ego and allow your heart to sing. One moment, one step and soon you’ll be buzzing.” -Amel 

Much Love and Light!

Magical Blessings, Natasha

Begin Anew

by Natasha Botkin 

Generally my heart’s energy purrs like a well-oiled motor, and then when it turns into a massive generator, I really perk up.  One thing that resonates with me through divine channels is “that was then and this is now; wipe the slate clean.” -Amel  

This began days before my latest moments with my BeLoved Twinflame.  A beautiful moment of pure joy and love, both of us leaving behind the old.  Leaving behind the old to begin anew.  One point me making a statement, and he cleverly saying “tsk, tsk, ‘that was then and this is now,’” in a quite playful manner.

Did this appear for him, for me, for we, for us?  Begin anew.  The definition to anew isNatasha (Princess) and Roy (Knight) to begin in a new, positive way.  All of this just days before the Black Super New Moon.  As my BeLoved made this statement, my heart generator began to hum, me placing my hand near my heart and shining my love and light to him.  “Wipe the slate clean, begin anew, love anew dear Tru, for I will always love you.” -Amel

No matter the what, may you be able to wipe the slate clean.  May you be able to begin anew.

Over and over this has resonated through me.  It is not only our love that is anew; other ways of thinking, being are anew.  The message that Amel brings forth is, “Dear ones wipe your slate clean, listen to your heart and dance like no one is watching. Your dance may be individual or with a partner, all in all may your heart fill anew with love.  Dance, sing, love.”-Amel 

Much Love and Light

Magical Blessings, Natasha

Please Be Patient, Under Construction

By Natasha Botkin 

Atlantis Waterfall

I recently saw this post somewhere “Currently under construction, thank you for your patience.” –unknown.  I am unsure as to the where this was posted.  Where it was posted does not matter.  What matters is the effect, maybe I am brave or immensely foolish to share this here, either way, during a truly difficult moment of outside sources plaguing me, I was trying to be the steady ocean; yet, the waves began to pummel again to me.

After hours of this, I reached out to a friend; who texted me don’t have a pity party.  Oh really, hmmm.  First, let’s define pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.  So no pity party in fact, what caused me the duress was the images of my BeLoved (my Twin Flame) and all of our beautiful moments together.  Which lead to why doesn’t he wish to speak to me, the divine response was “fear, fear of you; if he has to accept you as you are, he has to accept his truth.  My dear you can be quite a bit for a weakened one, your powers are immense and ever reaching in ways that most cannot even begin to muster. Be patient dear one.” 

Then I hear, “Should we begin to pop the popcorn.” Oh so not, funny right now dear angels, my sense of humor flushed down the toilet and out to a rocky sea.  It takes me a bit to settle; the outside is pouring into me, others egos are crushing; seriously, check yourself before you wish to be all mighty, cause you’d be surprised at how some enlightened individuals behave.  Which brought me back to my human work as a behavioral specialist, and this helped me settle into my higher self, the blonde parts of my hair changing into the crystalline silver essence of Amel shining forward.  Oh Lord, if Amel is here with the angels, I know what is about to come, the elders of the realm, Mary Magdalene’s image and then Jesuah’s image and christ light expansion.  Fully being bathed in christ light, crystal light and the love that cradles me is beautiful beyond compare.

My ego barks, I just went through a re-birth, please not again. .  I have two choices, I surrender to this factor or I rage an ego battle.  Yep, I am in no way going to behave like my BeLoved; they warned him, he choose not to listen and now has the effects.  That’s the part that one should realize; we all have a destiny, we either go or they will give to us “free will,” and then steer us back on course.  Our course can be simple and graceful or it can be awkward and difficult.  Ultimately that is “free choice.”

My human form surrenders to the fact that I am about to undergo massive construction.  Do I know where this will take me.  No, I do not.  It is befitting that this is occurring at the same time as the new moon. In fact a very powerful new moon.  In truth, the divine love and light that surrounds me also helps propel me even further up the spiral.  It is now, that I am more aware that in order to accept this new growth, the old had to strip away to make room for the expansion of heart, holding space in a most auspicious way.  The being old patterns,old beliefs; they do not belong, they needed to go like a hole in a sock.  The toe pokes out and you think I’ll throw that sock away or darn it; darn it in thought and rip that sock off, cause the new one will be soft, simple, graceful.

Be Kind BattleAll I ask, is please be patient with others.  As we are all under construction.  In my last blog, patience was the divine ideal that shined forward.  Again this heralds true.  “Be patient dear ones, the best is yet to come; a soul knows no time.  A soul is timeless; it is human ego that places a time; disallow and breath, go inside, allow.” 

Much Love and Light

Magical Blessings
