What is Reiki?

By Natasha Botkin 

The definition for Reiki states:

Reiki HandsReiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. Another way to say this is Reiki is “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Where did this all begin? 

Usui-Sensei was born on 15th August, 1865.  His pen name is often called Mikao Usui. He did not have an easy life often taking the more difficult path.  It is said in 1922 on the twenty-first day of his fast,  he climbed Mount Kurama and felt a powerful light over his head.  This spiritually awakened Usui, and he acquired Reiki.  Next. he set out to try this on his family and friends, and often this brought immediate results to them.

From there Usui, founded and opened the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Method Society). One would receive Reiki in a seated manner.  A student of Reiki would be appointed and study for years under the master.  Mikao Usui-Founder of Reiki

Which Lineage:

When looking at having Reiki provided for you or studying, one should know the lineage of the Reiki Master.

The originator of Reiki, as previously discussed, and the others are Hayashi Sensei and Hawayo Takata.  Hayashi was asked to open his own Reiki clinic just before Usui passed and is of the Usui Reiki lineage.  He followed the ideology of the originator and founder Usui, but began then to make adjustments from seated to lying down and adding more symbols.

Mrs. Takata was born in Hawaii and had fallen ill.  She felt that her only cure would be to travel for treatment in Japan.  This is where she received and learned of Reiki.  She often felt that “The heat from their hands was so strong, she said, that she thought they were secretly using some kind of equipment.”  She learned from the ways of Reiki from Hayashi and eventually made it back to Hawaii where she opened her own practice.  Some may say that Mrs. Takata’s downfall was the amount that she charged to learn Reiki from her ($10,000), and this was not the way Usui had procured Reiki to be.  Some may say that Mrs. Takata also created her “own version” of Reiki.

Where does Reiki come from?

Reiki is a subtle energy that is brought forth from the divine.  A Reiki Master is a conduit of the Divine.

What will this feel like to the client? 

This will vary from person to person.  One may feel a warm sensation, where as another many feel deeply relaxed.  It is not unusual for a client to fall asleep during a Reiki session or have the feeling of floating out of their bodies.

The benefits of Reiki: 

  • Strengthens spiritual connection and brings forth an inner peace and harmony.
  • Calms the mind and aid
  • in clarity.
  • Helps provide a more positive outlook by balancing the mental and emotional wounds to help open one up to more love.
  • Balances the bodies energies.
  • Adapts to your individual needs.
  • Promotes pain relief of physical (migraines, arthritis, menstrual or sciatica) or emotional (such as grieving).
  • Eases tension, stress and relaxes muscles.
  • Enhances natural healing and help trigger the body’s natural healing system by enhancing one’s immune system and can help speed up the healing process of a long illness and can reduce the effects of medical treatments (such as Chemotherapy).

Who can benefit from Reiki

Anyone: Adults, youth, babies, maturing individuals, pets and any animal (animals love Reiki).

How can I receive Reiki? 

In a typical treatment, a Reiki Master will have the client lay on a massage table and the client remains fully clothed.  One may sit or even stand to receive treatment.  The Reiki Master will place their hands in positions that may touch or be near the client’s body.  This is intuitively and individually based per each client’s needs; the treatment may last 30-60 mins.

What is long distance Reiki

A Reiki Master will have the ability to practice long distance Reiki.  It does not matter where in the world you are, as a skilled Master will allocate the Reiki to where you are.

What to expect after a Reiki Session: 

Be sure to drink lots of water the week following a Reiki session, this will help ease the releasing. Please be aware that you may get a little emotional or even have some physical releasing (mucus, coughing and even eliminating in the bathroom) as the toxins are released. Enjoy a nice hot Celtic sea salt bath with Sage or imagine a white light shower.  Be sure to ask Archangel Michael and/ or Archangel Raphael to request in releasing this from your aura and washing it down the drain.

***Please check with your Reiki Master credentials.  

Natasha Publicity Photo 300 bI am a Reiki Master of the Usui Lineage.  If you are interested in scheduling a Reiki session with me or learning about to become a Reiki Practioner please contact me at  Magical Blessings Healing Center                                           

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,










Stuck in the Muck

By Natasha Botkin

Natasha Publicity Photo 300 bI was going through one heck of a time, feeling confused and a bit lost.  When it seemed that I just might be stuck.  In fact, it seemed as if I was not moving forward nor backward, no matter what direction I attempted.

If you can imagine, Pigpen, from Charlie Brown- the dirt follows him whereever he goes. 

“I have had enough!” echoed from every crevice of my physical form.   

Thus the wisdom surging forward, and my higher self showing me simple techniques that could help move the energy. 

This is the topic for this Podcast Interview with a fellow collaborative author Wisdom of Midlife Women 2 and warrioress, Peggy Nolan.


Podcast Interview

Please take about 30 mins to listen to Peggy and my conversation.  This is a beautiful moment of wisdom that many can benefit from.  

Sharing is caring!  Please share away. 

Dear Hearts, It’s time to release. The more you release, the more joy you will feel as you freely move.  


Here is a link to subscribe to Peggy’s podcast.


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 



Endless Magic

by Natasha Botkin 

There are no accidents in life; everything is part of one’s dream.  Yes, even the tough stuff has been destined to you per one’s agreement pro esoteric form.

Today, a gentleman opened up magical possibilities of awe and wonder for me.  This destiny paving the way for something far greater.  His gift seemed simple and in a way it is.  It looks to another like a polished rock.  Aww, it is not.  As a crystal elder, I should be able to name the crystal, and yet I could not; but, upon placing it in my hand, the crystal began to vibrate and gently sing.

There were no exchange of what was happening; he knew he had delivered the crystal to it’s owner –  he pleased and me delighted to be the receiver.

Awww, dear crystal I am incredibly excited for all the possibilities that you will open me up for.  I am truly blessed in many, many ways!!  270666_428571330511863_201485634_n

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,
