December 20, 2015-January 31, 2016 Opportunities

by Natasha Botkin 



We have many amazing gifts that are being bestowed upon us. 

What…just how is mercury retrograde a gift?   Awww dear hearts, it is truly a reflective gift.  There is a reason why it creates tension with electronics and communication with others.  This is a time to turn deeply inward and reflect the dark stillness of what your heart and soul whisper to you.

Luna, kicks this off with the full moon December 25, 2015 at the same time that mercury goes retrograde.  Often times, people are overly willing to release, release and release.  So much so, that you end up releasing too much, and yes that lesson will return with more power.

Hence why we have a spiral and not a tru path.  Please take this beautiful gift and enjoy.

Mother Mary

Mother Mary (who is no demoniational) is showing up with her love.  Ask her to cradle you in her Motherly Love.  The warrior angels are with Mother Mary, and they will help you to release what you request from them.

I cannot, stress enough to please take caution and to not be a in hurry; take mercury’s gift and honor yourself to gently reflect what that truly needs released. 


Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings, 


Internally Smacking My Head

by Natasha Botkin 

Can I just say UGH!!

I was at the Farmer’s Market.  One stand has a dear lady who loves her flowers; her clipping and arranging her flowers and her husband grumbling; her love, but he is there as one day, well he was informed he will stay.  I sat back and waited until the couple was ready…

Today, she asks what would you like; I say what do you believe me to need.  I see her reach for the lupines, and internally smacked my head.  Lupines, they are a beautiful, misunderstood flower.  They love to dance and heal with happiness and bring forth inner strength. The internal headsmack was the other part many do not know….these also bring the message of new opportunities to soon be discovered when one finds the way to have a positive outlook.  Lupine

Thank you so much angels and fairies! Positive outlook, well let’s see in the past month this has been my life….or rather crumble. 

Let’s see in a month’s time a family emergency with my autistic son deciding that looming graduation was too intense and made a rash decision that left us in crisis mode. Me battling to obtain what my son needs.  Stop telling me that I am the expert, I need help—he needs help!

Due to this I went on Family Medical Leave, the next day told that my teaching contract would not be renewed (one month prior when I looked into the harassing details that I was harboring on a daily basis-was told I would have a job–no matter what). So much for the no matter what!  I would have filed harassing paperwork, if I was not up to my eyeballs with crisis therapists, mental health therapist, etc.  The unexpected loss of my job, left me with little financially.  To top it all off, my BeLoved TwinFlame went MIA.  Seriously, he has his own stressors, but this is absurd.

A nagging feeling of trying to get my business up and going to support me.  Well, that has been frustrating! Then to really add mischief to all of this, the old lady home, really needs a new caretaker.  In my area, housing is beyond ridiculous, and I am finding traversing the world of help, is there is no help and have been labeled the working poor.

So when the lupine danced my way, I knew it was the divine’s way of saying enough.  Get off the pity party wagon that you are harboring off and on and dance sweet girl.  Have faith, trust and believe that I am doing what you need.

Remarkably, I am peacefully joyful with the latest level up.

Oh dear lupine, thank you for coming my way. I’ve placed you near the bed in hopes that sweet dreams may enter my sleeping realm, peace and comfort will return.  Be the watcher—-wait and see sweet girl, allow love to flow–you’ll be OK. 

Much Love, Much Light and Magical Blessings,


Receiving Does Not Make One Weak

Receiving Does Not Make One Weak

By Natasha Botkin

If we look at the genus name  or the eucalyptus flower, it is derived from the Greek eu, meaning “well”, and kalyptos, eucalyptus flowermeaning “cover.” This name refers to the well-covered flower buds – a very fruitful tree.  If we look to ancient symbolism this is a tree of wealthy abundance and foretelling.  If we look to an angelic meaning this about removing the barriers to allow your angels to assist you in receiving your miracles.

Almost a year ago, I was given the idea of “if you build it they will come.” Now, I have to admit, I took this a bit too literal and thought love the movie Field of Dreams and enjoy baseball; but have no desire to build a baseball field in the middle of a farm.  My angels find me quite humorous and shake their heads, no, no that is not what we mean.

Eventually, I did understand their meaning and this began an enormous journey.  Much of which is still progressing, much like a work in progress. I, so wish I could say that transformational mystery school of Atlantis was up and running. You see, I have had to learn to adjust to receiving.

One thing that I have a bad habit of, is being the naysayer and sage that people seek out; yet, do they truly help, assist me.  No, in truth they greedily grab the love and light, and my dear sweet soul is like, we are done with that.  You need to receive , there is no way you can continue on, alone on this journey.  I remind Amel, what about Tru.  She smiles, “Aw our BeLoved, what about him?”  My response, “he is supposed to join me in his esoteric form, and yet my BeLoved Twin Flame plays with the demonic ego allowing his ego to be fed of the lies; how will he ever join me, if he continues to allow the lies to hurt him, hurt me, hurt we.  One moment, we are in sync and all is well and the next, he is off lost in translation fueling himself with fear. ” Amel reminds me, “Patience dear one.” Add in a million sighs, yes I do have my own downward moments and that is one that makes me sigh a deep heavy, are you kidding me kind of sigh.

Sorry, I was off on a tangent.  Anyways, receiving is not easy for me.  I used to think due to old pattern and beliefs that it was a sign of weakness; “a strong person can do it all.” If I look to my maternal grandmother, she did it all, my maternal grandfather quite immature and held down a job, but that was about it.  Pretty much the same for the paternal grandparents as well.  So I learned to take care of me, by being independent.

One of my dear crystal children students recently told to me, “Ms. Botkin, you cannot do it all. You are tired by just trying to be you. Do people know how tough it is to do the things we cannot speak.  These stupid humans do not see, nor will they.”  Out of the mouth of babes!  Well said my dear one!

In truth, it was lies that my ego fed me.  I cannot do it all.  I am weary, I need help.  In steps that symbolic reminder from my angels of the sweet eucalyptus flower.  One this is about wealthy abundance and allowing me to receive.  This is a work in progress, one moment I receive a beautiful pillow from a friend and the next I am, oh dear.  As a child, I was the “do over” queen.  So I have to press the “do over” button and begin anew.

The eucalyptus flower calling out to me, reminding me. I am sitting back and allowing my angels to work their miracles with me, guide me by allowing the ability to receive.  As Archangel Michael has stated, “You are much stronger when you teach, step back and allow you students to do this on their own; however, dear, you also need to be the student of allowing and receiving. Miracles abound dear one.” 

May you also allow the ability to receive.  Much Love and Light!

Magical Blessings, Natasha

Refresh, Renew…

by Natasha Botkin                              Violet white lady breath

“Clear the soul, to clear the mind; clear the mind to clear the slate.  Wipe the slate clean and begin anew; that was then and this is now.”  -Amel

It seems that where ever I turn, I look and something is new.  Even if it is old, it is now new to me.  So much released that did not belong.  Forms do not need recognition.  Give it time, give it form; it solidifies, should it….

I was recently speaking with my BeLoved and he brought up an argument that we had years back.  I had no knowledge of what he speaks; and yet when he gave it form, I saw, felt, very much disliked the discord that it was.  He looked at me, “You really do not know, nor remember, how is this possible?”

To truly resonate in my higher self, that which does not belong to the dream fades, dissolves, melts away.  Yes, his words brought forth the time, the form, the angst.  At one point tears streaming down my eyes, no please no, don’t bring it to life.  Me trying to wash away the form; my BeLoved ever attentive, “don’t bite your tongue, just say it.”  Me responding, “I am choosing my words very carefully. As soon as this conversation is done, this will end, the form, the time will be done…thy will be done, it will no longer live, breathe no more; it does not belong to you, to me, to us.”  Yes this conversation was very much necessary; the time and form bringing forth what happened to be resolved.  Grateful that it is now resolved, no more; thy will be done, gone, poof, vanish…..and ever thankful for my patient BeLoved, so patient, so tender, so gentle.

How often does one resonate with something over and over to breathe life into a form, a time that really should be shapeless, formless.  Bringing forth to life just what one does not want.

This is not easy to do. I, often find that those who have ascended and vibrate at a higher level understand my pause. Those who have not, wish to rush me, and I refuse to engage in their antics.  “That was then and this is now,” – Amel, rings true for me in many forums.

Take that moment to breathe, to pause, to choose your words.  Only then can you be, say what you are meant to say and be in the ‘just be’ -Amel,  moment. That is what is important, all the rest will just fall away as it needs.

Much Love and Light.

Magical Blessings, Natasha

Please Be Patient, Under Construction

By Natasha Botkin 

Atlantis Waterfall

I recently saw this post somewhere “Currently under construction, thank you for your patience.” –unknown.  I am unsure as to the where this was posted.  Where it was posted does not matter.  What matters is the effect, maybe I am brave or immensely foolish to share this here, either way, during a truly difficult moment of outside sources plaguing me, I was trying to be the steady ocean; yet, the waves began to pummel again to me.

After hours of this, I reached out to a friend; who texted me don’t have a pity party.  Oh really, hmmm.  First, let’s define pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.  So no pity party in fact, what caused me the duress was the images of my BeLoved (my Twin Flame) and all of our beautiful moments together.  Which lead to why doesn’t he wish to speak to me, the divine response was “fear, fear of you; if he has to accept you as you are, he has to accept his truth.  My dear you can be quite a bit for a weakened one, your powers are immense and ever reaching in ways that most cannot even begin to muster. Be patient dear one.” 

Then I hear, “Should we begin to pop the popcorn.” Oh so not, funny right now dear angels, my sense of humor flushed down the toilet and out to a rocky sea.  It takes me a bit to settle; the outside is pouring into me, others egos are crushing; seriously, check yourself before you wish to be all mighty, cause you’d be surprised at how some enlightened individuals behave.  Which brought me back to my human work as a behavioral specialist, and this helped me settle into my higher self, the blonde parts of my hair changing into the crystalline silver essence of Amel shining forward.  Oh Lord, if Amel is here with the angels, I know what is about to come, the elders of the realm, Mary Magdalene’s image and then Jesuah’s image and christ light expansion.  Fully being bathed in christ light, crystal light and the love that cradles me is beautiful beyond compare.

My ego barks, I just went through a re-birth, please not again. .  I have two choices, I surrender to this factor or I rage an ego battle.  Yep, I am in no way going to behave like my BeLoved; they warned him, he choose not to listen and now has the effects.  That’s the part that one should realize; we all have a destiny, we either go or they will give to us “free will,” and then steer us back on course.  Our course can be simple and graceful or it can be awkward and difficult.  Ultimately that is “free choice.”

My human form surrenders to the fact that I am about to undergo massive construction.  Do I know where this will take me.  No, I do not.  It is befitting that this is occurring at the same time as the new moon. In fact a very powerful new moon.  In truth, the divine love and light that surrounds me also helps propel me even further up the spiral.  It is now, that I am more aware that in order to accept this new growth, the old had to strip away to make room for the expansion of heart, holding space in a most auspicious way.  The being old patterns,old beliefs; they do not belong, they needed to go like a hole in a sock.  The toe pokes out and you think I’ll throw that sock away or darn it; darn it in thought and rip that sock off, cause the new one will be soft, simple, graceful.

Be Kind BattleAll I ask, is please be patient with others.  As we are all under construction.  In my last blog, patience was the divine ideal that shined forward.  Again this heralds true.  “Be patient dear ones, the best is yet to come; a soul knows no time.  A soul is timeless; it is human ego that places a time; disallow and breath, go inside, allow.” 

Much Love and Light

Magical Blessings
